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A co-production by Schwarzlicht-Film and Artmaniax Media
Germany 2012 35 mm 50 Sek.

„You spent your evening away from your own reality while another reality was sitting on your head. It’s like a party where you try on paper hats: some will see that it’s a party (which is the whole point) and they’ll fit, others will suddenly feel that they have something sitting round their head and that their nose is sticking out from under the brim, and they can’t see a fucking thing.“ (Kenneth Anger) (Tony Rayns/Kenneth Anger Interview 1971, in: Jayne Pilling und Mike O’Pray: Into The Pleasure Dome) A jubilee, a torte and a surprise guest – taking a peak and literally risking their neck. In a mixture of film noir and surrealism the audience witnesses a mysterious party of the absurd kind. They let the maelstrom of light take them to the other side and discover a world full of unimagined possibilities.

Idea and direction : Sebastian Linke und Danilo Vogt

Cinematographer: Sebastian Linke

Assistent cameraman: Gerald Haffke

Production: Danilo Vogt

Assisten production: Conny Werneburg, Thassilo Vahlenkamp, Anna Elena Stoepel

Postproduction-Supervisor: Martin Gessner

Music: Benjamin Vogt

Sound studio : Klangbezirk

Requisite: Dagmar Webler

Costumes: Jasmin Tiyaworabun

Mask: Johanna Prange, Nicole Philipp

Catering: exground filmfest

Film laboratory : Cinepost

Cast: Frederik Malsy, Valerie Vermilion, Moritz Trautner, Tobias Meuer, Daniel Uersfeld, Nicole Philipp, Tobias Schönrock, Nhung Vu Hong

Jodlerin: Margot Stoepl

Special thanks to: Thibaut de Champris und Yvan Lége vom Institut français Mainz und ans Wiesbadener Alphorn-Quartett „Die Hessentaler“






















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