filmfest > tickets



Tickets for exground filmfest are available as of Nov 1, 2013 at the advance booking office.

Advance booking office
Tourist-Information, Marktplatz 1, 65183 Wiesbaden
Fon (0611) 17 29 - 9 30 Fax (0611) 17 29 - 7 98
Opening hours: Mon–Fry 10 am to 6 pm, Sat 10 am to 3 pm, closed on Sun
(Ticket plus ticket charge)

and at the box office at the Caligari FilmBühne.

Hotline exground filmfest
Fon +49 (611) 4 50 48 87

All tickets for exground filmfest 26 featuring an according imprint are valid as a ticket for the busses of the
ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH and the Mainzer Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH in Wiesbaden and Mainz.
They are valid as of 5 hours before program start and for 5 hours after program close.

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