filmfest > program > news from germany > the forest outside


by Franziska Pflaum
Germany 2013 26 min. original version with English subtitles

tue 18 nov 10:00 pm Caligari FilmBühne
World premiere

Script: Nadine Gottmann, Franziska Pflaum, DoP: Nico Mews, Editor: Friederike Hohmuth, Production: Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (HFF) „Konrad Wolf“, Producer: Lasse Scharpen, Cast: Matthias Neukirch

The forest is a place where only little light gets to. Egon slides into a state of confusion. He struggles to accept the maturing of his 13-year old daughter. The thoughts of her never leave him and push him further and further into the darkness of the forest.

Biography: Franziska Pflaum, born in 1987 in Vienna/Austria, lives and works in Berlin and Vienna. 2008/2009 she studied feature film at Prague Film School. Since 2010 she studies directing at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (HFF) "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam. In 2011, she finished her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – in Harun Farocki’s film class.

Filmography (selection): 2007 SCHWANENSANG, 2008 POWDER DREAMS, 2011 APRIL- JUNI, 2012 VIRGIL & EVAN, 2013 DRAUSSEN DER WALD, 2014 SO SCHÖN WIE DU (all short films)

Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Festivals & Distribution
Cristina Marx
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (3 31) 6 20 25 64

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