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by Kai Maria Steinkühler and Markus Mischkowski
Germany 2014 25 min. original version

tue 18 nov 10:00 pm Caligari FilmBühne

Script: B Markus Mischkowski, Kai Maria Steinkühler, DoP: K.P. Schmidt, Editor: Markus Mischkowski, Production: Westendfilme, Producers: Markus Mischkowski, Kai Maria Steinkühler, Cast: Markus Mischkowski, Kai Maria Steinkühler, Steffi Gosejohann, Jens Claßen, Claudia Basrawi

The 7th episode of the Cologne Westend cycle: the jobless buddies Mike and Alfred get recruited as courier service providers by their old mate Rasto. They are suposed to take important documents to Luxemburg for Rasto’s new business partner. In order for nothing to go wrong, Rasto receives an intensive course in human resources management and motivation of staff.

Biography: Markus Mischkowski was born in 1966 and studied linguistics and then at the International Film School Cologne. He is a member of Filmclub 813.
Kai Maria Steinkühler was born in 1967 and studied Egyptology and African studies. He is a member of Filmclub 813.

Filmography (both; selection): 2001 WESTEND (ex 15), 2003 AGNOLI – DAS NEGATIVE POTENTIAL, 2007 WALDMEISTER (ex 21); 2007 INSIDE LEMKE, 2010 WELLENREITER (ex 23); WARTESCHLEIFEN, 2013 DER PITCH (ex 26), 2014 WETTBEWERBER (all short films)

Markus Mischkowski
Weißenburgstraße 57, Haus 4
50670 Cologne
Phone: +49 (2 21) 72 50 93

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