program > ticket info
Caligari FilmBühne 7,00 EUR / 6,00 EUR German Short Film Contest (*) 12,00 EUR Tickets side program OPENING PARTY 6,00 EUR |
Tickets are available as of Oct 28th, 2016 Booking of tickets Tourist-Information, Marktplatz 1, 65183 Wiesbaden and at the box office at the Caligari FilmBühne during the festival program information exground filmfest * Note: Tickets for the German short film competition are available only at the advance booking offices. No reservations can be made for this program. The box office at the festival locations opens 30 min. before the respective program starts. Please note that the box offices are not open the whole day! Reserved tickets must be picked up 30 min. before program start at the box office at the respective screening location. Kombiticket All tickets for exground filmfest 29 featuring an according imprint are valid as a ticket for bus and train of the RMV (Rhein-Main area). They are valid as of 5 hours before program start and for 5 hours after program close |