exground filmfest | 24 | wiesbaden | 11-20 nov 2011


filmfest > program > ai - american independents > trash humpers


by Harmony Korine
USA/Great Britain 2009 Digital Betacam 78 min. OV

sat 20 nov 22.00 h Kulturpalast <Tickets>

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TRASH HUMPERS TRAILER from Trash Humpers on Vimeo.







This movie is a found VHS tape that someone buried in their backyard many years ago. It documents the days and nights of a small group of elderly peeping toms. The people on the tape also like to hump trash, and they film each other doing terrible things. This VHS tape seems as if it were made as an ode to vandalism. Very little is known about these people or where they came from, they seem to exist only on the margins and in the shadows of the American landscape. This tape crudely documents the shocking chaos and insanity of a group of true sociopaths, the likes of which have never before been seen.

„Drawing inspiration from underground videos and urban legends, Korine builds an increasingly troubling atmosphere of decay and deviance.” (The New York Times)


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