exground filmfest | 21 | wiesbaden | 14-23 nov 2008


filmfest > program > doku - documentary > soldiers of peace


by Tim Wise
Australia 2008 Betacam SP 85 min. Engl./Span. OV

Script: Victoria Pitt, DoP: Greg Kung, Terry Cox, Matthew Huntlley, Justin Brickle, Samir Mihyar, Nimrod Shanit, Production: Andrew McLean, with: Erzbischof Desmond Tutu, Prinz Hassan von Jordanien, Sir Bob Geldof, Dr. Hans Blix

We are bombarded with images of war. On the TV news, in our newspapers. We assume that war is human nature. That there’s an epidemic of war and it’s only getting worse. That it’s too profitable for some businesses to be stopped. None of these things is true. The astonishing fact is that the number of wars across the world is in fact dropping. We are actually in the grip of an outbreak of peace. Away from the cameras, ordinary people everywhere are taking amaz ing steps to force peace out of trouble and violence. Even business has worked out that there’s more money to be made in peace.

The intention with this film is to put peace back on the agenda in the 21st century. In a way this film is a call to action to peace and to start focusing on peace. Peace must come from within, and we cannot rely on our governments to act for us.

sun 16 nov 18.00 h Kulturpalast reserve tickets

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