exground filmfest | 21 | wiesbaden | 14-23 nov 2008


filmfest > program > doku - documentary > sonbol


by Nico Apel
Germany 2007 Digital Betacam 55 min. Engl./Farsi OV Germ. ST

Script: Niko Apel, DoP: Beate Scherer, Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, with: Sonbol Fatemi

"Why don’t you find a man in fact?" Sonbol gets asked by her mother. The answer is silence. Sonbol Fatemi is 35 years old and divorced. She lives in the holy town of Mashad in Islamic Republic Iran’s North East. She runs her own dental practice, tells dirty jokes, does car races against men – and lives in her old nursery. As single woman she can’t rent a flat in Iran. Each day Sonbol fights with her mother about the role of women and her wish for independence. For the life she leads, she has to fight every day anew. Against her mother, wanting to marry her off again, against the sport functionaries wanting to ban women from taking part in rallyes and not least against her own doubts, whether Allah is on her side.

thu 20 nov 20.00 h Kulturpalast reserve tickets

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