exground filmfest | 22 | wiesbaden | 13-22 nov 2009


filmfest > program > deu - germany brand new > lonely pack [kleine wölfe]


by Justin Peach und Lisa Engelbach Germany 2009 Digital Betacam 48 min. Nepali OV Germ. ST

Together with other children, the eleven-year old Sonu lives on the streets of Kathmandu. Their daily routine is a fight to survive in the chaotic capital of Nepal: always on the prowl for food, drugs, charitable tourists and what they seek most – as small boys do anywhere in the world – is fun and adventure.
KLEINE WÖLFE – GEFANGEN IN DER FREIHEIT (LONELY PACK – TRAPPED IN FREEDOM) impressively shows, that although the life of Sonu and his pack is shaped by hunger and violence it is also filled with child-like moments of freedom on the streets!

"The film was shot in Direct Cinema manner. No off-text, no music, no staging. I wanted to understand the routine of a street child in Kathmandu. Chronists are the children themselves." (Justin Peach)

mon 16 nov 20.00 h Kulturpalast Ticketreservation

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